Camelid Neonatal Clinic

As the 2019 birthing season approaches, Claire Whitehead, the UK’s leading camelid vet, has kindly agreed to run her one-day Neonatal Clinic here in Gloucestershire at Tirley Village Hall GL19 4EW.

This clinic deals with the neonatal cria (what is normal, what isn’t and what to do in case of problems) as well as providing instruction on the birthing process and what you may need to do if there is an emergency.  The afternoon’s practical session gives you the opportunity to learn how to recognise and potentially correct a malpresented cria and helps you understand when you need to call the vet.

Only 10 places available on this course!
Cost : £200 (inc. VAT) for WSAG members; £225 (inc. VAT) for non-members.

If you would like to join us please ring 01452 780327 or e-mail