Just a quick thank you to everyone who attended the WSAG AGM and meal today, it was great to see you all!
A great turn out, good company and good food – watch this space for news of our future events.

Just a quick thank you to everyone who attended the WSAG AGM and meal today, it was great to see you all!
A great turn out, good company and good food – watch this space for news of our future events.
Arrive from 12.00pm
Lunch at 12.30, AGM 1.15pm, Speaker 2.00pm
Abberley Village Hall, WR6 6AZ
This is a ‘bring and share’ lunch so we invite you to bring your favourite goodies for everyone to try.
Obviously, the West Shires Alpaca Group AGM is the most exciting thing in your social calendars, and you’re all finding it hard to contain your enthusiasm….. but this is a meeting we do need to hold each year and we have arranged an excellent speaker, Jonathan Guy from JG Animal Health. It’s also a good opportunity to reconnect with old friends and talk ‘alpaca’ with like minded people and generally catch up!
Please let us know if you are able to come – it would be really great to see you there
WSAG Committee
Results are now on the BAS website!
Congratulations to all!
Latest Update 3rd July: Entries now closed – thank you very much for the flurry of entries, we are now full! Good luck to everyone that entered.
Royal Three Counties Fleece Show, organised by the West Shires Alpaca Group. It’s a great way to have your fleeces evaluated – all entries receive a detailed scorecard showing how the points were awarded – and Champion and Reserve also gain entry to the National Fleece Show.
Mary-Jo Smith will be judging the fleeces on 24th and 25th July.
The last day for entries is 7th July and fleeces are to be delivered by 16th July.
Please see the BAS website to enter via the Pedigree Registry: ‘Manage your Herd’.
*ONWARD SHIPPING TO OTHER SHOWS*. To make things easier, if you would like us to forward your fleece to the East of England Fleece show – just let us know and we will arrange this for you.
Why not give it a go!!
This year’s AGM will be held on Sunday 28th February at 11.00 am.
It won’t come as a surprise to you that this will be held via Zoom, and it’s such a shame we won’t be able to have lunch together and our usual alpaca catch up but there is no other way this year.
The AGM is an important meeting for the group, where members get the chance to openly discuss how the group operates and provide ideas for events or activities…COVID permitting…elect committee members and see how the group funds have been spent across the year.
Hope to see as many of you as possible!
We had another great attendance at the West Shires Alpaca Group Annual General Meeting.
We began the meeting with a fantastic buffet lunch followed by the formalities of the day, which were then closely followed by a very interesting and informative talk on seed mixes and pasture management from Sam Lane of Cotswold Seeds.
We really hope everyone found the day both useful and enjoyable and it was good to meet a few new faces and catch up with old friends!
We’re putting together the 2020 calendar of events, so if there is anything you are particularly interested in that’s not on the list, just let us know and we’ll see what we can do! 🦙